Online giving software designed for the Church
easyTithe uses multiple giving options in one system for simple collection, management, and reporting of contributions.
A Church Giving Ecosystem
More than just payment processing
Growing your church shouldn't mean you have to step up to the next price bracket. With every plan, you access easyTithe's robust features to manage online giving.
Partnering for Success
Transform your church for growth
With our resources and success program, easyTithe online giving is designed to help church leaders drive growth and generosity around their visions and goals.
Convenient Giving Options
Equip your church to give anytime, anywhere
Convenient giving encourages first-time givers and allows faithful givers to give more regularly. On average, a church using easyTithe sees an increase in overall giving of 32%.
See how your church will experience giving through these options
Manage all contributions in one central system
Managing giving data doesn't have to be complicated or frustrating. With easyTithe, information stays organized and accessible in one central system. Access invoices, fund management tools, data exports, billing settings, and more from your intuitive control panel.
See where your giving stands
Visualize your giving in real time with the easyTithe dashboard showing data from all your giving sources.
One platform for all contributions
With all your information in one place, you'll be organized, less stressed, and complete daily tasks faster!
Organize data
View a range of custom reports by person, transaction, fund, and date range.
Insights for better forecasting
Access graphical reports of monthly trends, current automatic recurring giving, forecasting, and more!
Features built for the specific needs of churches
Seamlessly manage giving in one place
From your easyTithe control panel, manage transactions, customize reports, give on behalf of the donor in Virtual Terminal, allow donors to help cover processing cost, and more.
Learn about our admin featuresDigital giving designed for church success
Our Success Coaches teach you how to maximize our giving tools and provide marketing material to help you spread the word about online giving.
Learn about our resourcesAccept and manage recurring donations
Provide your church with the option to automate giving. Donors complete a one-time set up, and gifts are automatically deducted at the frequency they choose.
Learn about recurring givingCreate detailed reports
Create custom reports based on timeframe, individual giver, and other variables. You can also select who gets access to reports and financial information.
Learn about giving reportsBuild custom payment forms
Forms is a powerful feature with tons of customization options. Create a form to accept event registration payments, donations, t-shirt purchases, and other contributions.
Learn more about formsImport and export data
Use our import and export features to help streamline data that's coming through different channels.
Learn about data managementMulti-church support
Enjoy dedicated features and support for managing multiple campuses or a large organization.
Bank level security for peace of mind
easyTithe is a Level 1 Certified PCI Compliant Service Provider, and we adhere to the highest security standards in the payment card industry.
Learn about our securityCreate unlimited funds
With unlimited funds, your church can exceed your objectives and further your vision. Create funds for special projects, general giving, building repairs, and other needs.
Works with your existing software
easyTithe integrates with popular Church Management Software and works with systems churches already love using.
Learn about our integrationsAccept debit cards, credit cards, or ACH bank drafts
Donors can choose their preferred payment method to give to the church, and admins have more control over which to cards to accept.
See how easyTithe online giving features create more time for your ministry
Schedule a DemoFrequently Asked Questions
What happens to the money collected with easyTithe?
Money from debit/credit card transactions are deposited into your organization's bank account within a business day. Money from ACH (e-check) transactions take a few days to be deposited into the church's account. The reason for the delay in ACH is because additional verification is required, whereas debit/credit card fund availability is validated in real-time.
Could you help me present this to my board/leadership?
We would be happy to do a conference call, a webinar, or host a short presentation. We do everything we can to bring early unity and focus for the mission's sake. These tools can have a very positive effect on your organization's funding, and early team buy-in means more rapid growth in easyTithe. Please feel free to schedule some time on our calendar to coordinate details.
Can I use easyTithe with Facebook or my church WordPress website?
Yes! With easyTithe, you can embed any giving form on your Give page, or share through your social media pages, such as Facebook or Twitter.
Do you offer special pricing for high volume processing?
If your church processes more than $25,000 in contributions per month, you may be eligible for a lower transaction rate. Give us a call for details at 1-888-778-4843.